


Performance Measurement, Training and Rehabilitation Equipment

Kinematic Measurement System - Technical and Scientific Documents

Technical Documents

Fitness Technology (FT) Intellectual Property (IP) - historical background Prepared by Ian Crossing Managing Director and FT founder.

Kinematic Measurement System Users Guide (.pdf)

KMS New OptoSmart Sensor Details (.pdf).

KMS Setup Diagrams (.pdf).

How to Fault Find The KMS (.pdf).

How to Test the Jump Mat Connections (.pdf).

Portable KMS Cord Switch with Velcro adjustable Slipper (.pdf).

New quick connect cable for the balance and stability tester (.pdf)

Gate setup for a Three Direction Visual Agility Test (.pdf)

Windows KMS, BMS, InnerBalance Pacer program crash prevention (OS Power Settings)

Setting the Language Options to English for Correct Operation of Fitness Technology Software.

How to reset the USB Serial COM Port for the XPV6 and earlier interfaces so that you can select it in the KMS or BMS Software

How to changeover a PCB in the XPV6+ Interface.

Scientific Documents

Validity of a new contact mat system for evaluating vertical jump(.pdf)
Noé Gomes Borges Júnior, Lucas Borges, Jonathan Ache Dias, Marcelo Diederichs Wentz, Daniela Junckes da Silva Mattos, Raquel Petry and Susana Cristina Domenech

Validity, reliability, and usefulness of jump performance from a low-cost contact mat(.pdf)
Haris Pojskic, Emmanuel Ver Papa, Sam Shi Xuan Wu and Jeffrey Cayaban Pagaduan

Anabolic Exercise for Health (.ppt)
Dr. Robert Newton

The Impact of Monitoring Strategies on a Team Sport Through an Olympiad - Physical Development, Taper and Recovery (.pdf)
Dave Hamilton

The Changes in Strength, Power and Associated Functional Variables in the Australian Women’s Soccer Team during the 12 Month Preparation for The Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. (.pdf)
Stuart Cormack

Strength and Power Predictors of Sports Speed. (.pdf)
John B. Cronin and Keir T. Hansen

An Evaluation of a New Test of Reactive Agility and Its Relationship to Sprint Speed and Change of Direction Speed. (.pdf)
J.M. Sheppard, W.B. Young, T.L.A. Doyle, T.A. Sheppard and R.U. Newton

International Journal of Volleyball Research (.pdf)

The Effects of Short-Term Unilateral and Bilateral Lower-Body Resistance Training on Measures of Strength and Power. (.Pdf)
Kevin W. Mccurdy, George A. Langford, Mike W. Doscher, Larry P. Wiley, and Kim G. Mallard

Advances in Electronic Timing Systems: Considerations for Selecting an Appropriate Timing System (.pdf)
Jacob E. Earp and Robert U. Newton