


Performance Measurement, Training and Rehabilitation Equipment

Fitness Tecnology Mid-Thigh Pull Rigs - Instructional Videos

Hardware Installation/Setup

Portable MTP Rig for 400 Series Force Plate - How to Assemble

How to Level the 400S Force Plate using the XPV7 Diagnostic Test Software

Adjusting The MTP Rig with Extension Posts for different exercises.

The advantages and uses of the MTP rig with Extension Posts.

Software Installation/Setup

Installing the Ballistic Measurement System Software - Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8

Ballistic Measurement System Software - Creating a Squad File

Setting up the BMS Software for use with the 400S Force Plate (XPV7 Interface)

Calibration Procedures

How to calibrate Force for the 400S Force plate.

How to test the calibration of the 400s Force Plate for accuracy.

Data Collection

Portable MTP Rig for 400 Series Force Plate - Adjusting for Different height athletes

Portable MTP Rig for 400 Series Force Plate - Changing between different exercises

Portable MTP Rig in use with 400 Series force Plate (Port Adelaide)

Swapping between a Mid Thigh Pull and CMJ with the new Mid thigh pull rig in the FT 700 Power Cage.

Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull Data Collection FT700 Power Cage

Left and Right Leg Isometric Calf Raise

Isometric Calf Raise (Both Legs)

Isometric Squat

Data Analysis

Analysing an Isometric Pull using the BMS software

Equipment Maintenance and Testing

Using the Test XPV7 Diagnostic Software with the 400S Force Plate

What to do if one of your channels is showing a high reading in the XPV7 Diagnostic test software.