


Performance Measurement, Training and Rehabilitation Equipment

Fitness Technology's Mid-Thigh Pull Rigs - FT700 Power Cage

The Mid-Thgh Pull Rig attachement for the FT700 Power Cage alows for quick and easy data recording by speeding up the ability to switch between exercise types.

FT700 Power Cage with Mid Thigh Pull Rig FT700 Power Cage with Mid Thigh Pull Rig

The New portable MTP rig is simply setup so that the 400 Series force Plate sits in top of its base plate. Once setup this allows for fast data collection for multiple tests and multiple athletes.

400 S force plate and MTP Rig at Port Adelaide Power

The numbered increments on the uprights of the MTP rig allow for quick adjustment of bar height for different athletes.

MTP Rig numbered increments

The following videos take you through the process for adjusting for different athletes and different exercises shown in real time.

The video below shows the process for changing between different height athletes.

The next video shows the process for changing between different exercise types. In this case a MTP and a CMJ.

The MTP rig also come with Extension poles that give an increase in exercise range from 52cm to 199cm. (see video below)